Laurie Conforti

How you see yourself

The story in your head about how you see yourself affects everything in your current circumstances. Have you ever stopped to think about what you think about yourself?

Can you think back to a time where you remember, as a child, being a unique individual? Not what your parents or friends think you are or should be.Then one day, we start to realize those ideals don’t necessarily align with their thoughts of who you are or should be. At a young age, you are wildly influenced by your immediate family, your parents and the people you are around most. 

We spend so many years trying to decide who we are, and what we think. What we align with and don’t align with. Do we try to fit the mould made for us? Do we make our mould? Sometimes we spend years trying to break free from what imprisons us, those ideas that we disagree with. The shift starts at different times for different people. The more we learn – we grow, we expand, the more we begin to create our own unique person. We weren’t meant to fit a mold. We were meant to be, to explore, to learn and to become, through our experiences. Our family thoughts, beliefs, and teachings become part of us, but we discard that which no longer serves us and add those things that drive and excite us. It isn’t always easy for someone to become their own person. 

Generally, people are the byproduct of their situation. Are you who you want to be? What are some of the things that you have been potentially resisting? What is holding you back?

I Just wanted to share some thoughts today. Would love to know what you think?

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